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Art Department//




Music Video.


Born on the Greek island of Crete, Alexandra grew up in Sydney and spent her childhood painting, sewing, drawing, sculpting - constantly creating with her hands.

Not much has changed in the years since.

With a love for set dressing, props, and costume design, Alexandra crafts visual narratives blended with rich artistic design. Her works exhibit themes of self-discovery with a particular focus on female perspectives and relationships, and in doing so utilise imagery more than dialogue to convey stories. Alexandra’s designs are inspired by the natural environment and human truths, and to this end her work employs lush colours and textures to focus on minutia. This culminates in a finely poised balance between minimalism and maximalism. After completing a Bachelor of Arts: Screen Production in 2018 at AFTRS, Alexandra continued to hone her skills through a Master of Arts Screen: Production Design, completed in 2020.

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© 2020 Alexandra Muir

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